
Sunday, March 3, 2013

Capsule wardrobe #91 - Black and brown with a splash of color

Tulips from the market,

which inspired the choice of accessories for today's black and brown capsule wardrobe

Capsule pieces: black jeans and dark brown sweater
Shoes: Jumping boots in mocca
Accessories: Hermès 'Le Laboratoire du temps' 90 Carré, clic-clac H bracelet in bourgogne and Picotin in sanguine
Scarf tying method: criss-cross bow knot


A variation for spring like days, with a thinner version of the sweater, the scarf in an Asymmetrical Shoulder Wrap 

Have a wonderful Sunday, and a great week ahead 

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  1. Wie immer wunderschön und unglaublich edel. Ganz schlicht mit Tasche und Tuch als Hingucker. Möchten wir nicht alle so gestylt die Tulpen vom Markt holen ... xoS

    1. Liebe Sanne, der Frühlingszauber hielt nicht lange an, seit Anfang der Woche haben wir Dauerregen. Die nächsten Tulpen werden mit dem Schirm abgeholt!

  2. Welcome back MaiTai! Your holiday looked wonderful and I love the photos of the gorgeous blue skies and the crisp white snow.

    I love the colours of the tulips and how you have used them to inspire your outfit. Such an elegant and cosy look!

    Have a lovely week,

    Melusine x

    1. Thank you for the lovely welcome back, my dear Melusine! The flowers are such a fabulous match to the red parts of the LdT.. I like to think the colorist had a bunch of tulips on the desk ;-)

  3. all the best and enjoy spring 2013 - you look beautiful and charming as always. Thank you for the tips on capsule pieces (it was a few posts ago) I always look forward to your posts as they inspire me to develop a more elegant look myself, I think you are an one woman campaign to spread good taste - globally. ;-)

    1. Many thanks for the lovely comment and kind good wishes, dear sophié. Enjoy a beautiful and happy spring 2013 too!

  4. What a great and beautiful post, dearest MaiTai! You always combine text and pictures in perfect harmony:)
    I love your Picotin and the way it matches Ms Brick/Saumon. So bright and warm :)
    Ms Gris/Prune is very pretty and very versatile too<3

    Your tulips and orchid indicate the beginning of Spring which I think we all look forward to. Sending you warm and cosy hugs, Manuela <3

    1. Thank you for the warm welcome to Ms G/P and B/S, my dear Manuela! In the meantime, winter seems to have shushed spring away again.. we've had non stop rain for the last few days. Hope there is spring sunshine up North! Have a wonderful rest of the week <3

  5. Luff the tulips the scarf and orange bag and the orchid.

    Have a lovely week x

  6. Just when this girl was in the need of a little cheer you popped around and did the trick with this most perfect post<3 Thank you for brightening my day with the tulips, the orchid and divine wardrobe pairings. You are truly amazing dear MT! Would love to find GM sanguine Pico;))!
    Wishing you a lovely week ahead, T xx

    1. Also, congrats on the new Collection pieces! Super fab additions...:D

    2. Awh Trudye, so glad the pics brought a little cheer. Will keep my eyes open for a GM Pico in the divine and happy sanguine. Sending you warm friendship hugs and much love in the meantime <3 xx

  7. Ahhh .. what size is that pretty Picotin?

  8. Tres jolie couleur du sac qui eclaire cette tenue et oui le printemps est presque la.
    J espere que vous avez bien profitée de vos vacances .
    Paris etais trés froid
    Comme vous le savez j adore les orchidées blanches la votre va etres trés belle


    1. Les vacances étaient splendides, mais dans la montagne, il était très très frois aussi! La deuxieme fleur de ma orchidé est sorti vient hier, ça fait enormement du plaisir. Une belle fin de la semaine à vous!

  9. Great! A classic idea made fresh! Thanks for the inspiration! You make getting dressed fun!
    Gina from Louisiana

  10. Love how all of the colors come together so beautifully, and how you've incorporated the chair into your shots, showing the entire outfit. Also, congratulation on the addition of two new necklaces to your collection, both of which are gorgeous colors, especially the gris prune. Lovely!

    Warm orange hugs, dear.

    1. I should have thought of the chair ages ago, it makes it so much easier to incorporate the shoes into the shot well! Have a wonderful remaining week, my dear CS <3

  11. I cannot express how much I look forward to your lovely posts.
    I broke my patella last Saturday, and I'll be in this cumbersome plaster cast for 6 wks. I was scheduled to be in Paris in mid-March, but, C'est la vie, I'm stuck here. You, dear lady, bring a bit of France right to me....I can almost smell the fragrant air in Provençe.
    I am downright heartsick for France!
    Thank you for une petit rayon de soleil , and please know that I'm awaiting the return of the Indigo fur collars!
    Bonne journée !

    Barbara A

    1. Oh Barbara, I am so sorry to hear about the knee cap! Hope you are in no pain, and that you'll recover as speedily as possible. How very disappointing to miss your Paris trip because of it, blowing some Provençe air and bisous over to you. Will keep you posted re the Indigo fur. Bonne courage!

  12. Ah, your Picotin is a real eye catcher, love the colour and the size! And your new waterfall necklace is the perfect match, dear MaiTai :-)
    Which size is this Picotin?

    1. Thank you, dear Happy. The Picotin it's a MM (moyen model).

  13. Smashing as always and just in time for spring with the perfect happy touch of colour! :D sending hugs, Macs

    1. Thank you, my dear sweet Macs... hugs right back!

  14. Dearest MaiTai,
    What a lovely spring post framed by beautiful flowers - your exquisite orchid is so very perfect. How much I love your happy and cheerful outfits - just can't stop smiling. Also very much appreciate the seated shot - adore seeing the whole picture. Big congratulations on your gorgeous new Waterfall members, truly fabulous additions to the most elegant Collection! Hope you're having a wonderful week. Much love to you with big spring hugs xxx
    PS Became LdT twins with you over Christmas :-)

    1. How wonderful to be LdT twins with you, my dearest Scarf Enthusiast, blowing sibling kisses to you <3 The credit for the cheerful outfit goes to the LdT, it always seems to have that effect... I call it my 'happy scarf! Hope you'll have the happiest moments with yours xx

  15. Liebe Mai Tai,
    wie gewohnt wundervolle Fotos, dein Stil ist einfach super klasse:-)
    Darf ich fragen, welche Größe deine Picotin hat? Ich selbst bin 1,70m groß und spiele mit dem Gedanken, mir auch eine solche zu gönnen...hast du eine gute Idee hinsichtlich der Farbe?

    Ich bevorzuge Neutrals, besitze u.a.auch ein "Laboratoire", étoupe-grundig..

    Liebe Grüße aus dem Rheinland,


    1. Liebe Barbara, vielen Dank für die netten Komplimente :-) Alle meine Picotins sind in der MM Grössse. Bezüglich der Farbe, wie wäre es mit Etoupe? Wunderbar vielseitig, im Winter wie im Sommer Liebe Grüsse, MT

  16. Liebe MaiTai,
    danke für die schnelle Antwort!
    Besitze die Victoria in Etoupe und habe z.B. an Café, Chocolat oder als Farbtupfer sogar an einen Rot-ton gedacht? Daher meine Frage an dieser Stelle:-)
    Deine Ratschläge sind most welcome and appreciated!
    Lieben Dank im voraus und liebe Grüße, Barbara

    1. Liebe Barbara, wenn Etoupe schon abgedeckt ist, dann würde ich auch einen Farbtupfer für die Picotin nehmen. Rot ist immer schön... ich liebe meine Rubis und Sanguine, aber Rouge H ist auch eine wunderschöne Farbe, klassisch und edel. Zu Jeans ist Indigo einfach perfect! Café und Chocolat sind beide schön, und vor allem vielseitig und langlebig. Wer die Wahl hat, hat die Qual...viel Spass beim aussuchen und entscheiden! :-)
