
Sunday, February 1, 2015


Paris last week felt much more sombre than on other visits. It was cold, and the skies were dark and cloudy, as if reflecting the grief and sadness caused by the events earlier in the month.

Heightened security was to be seen and felt everywhere... armed guards and police patroled the streets, and FSH and many other stores had extra security, checking everyone's bags upon entering. 'Je suis Charlie' posters and banners were to be seen in countless windows and on walls showing their solidarity with the victims, and tributes in the form of flowers, pens, letters and candles were left where the events took place.

FSH's windows have changed since my last visit, and the face of the building was lit in a soft glow. A post with pictures of the displays will follow soon.

Many fashion fairs and salons took place that week, and while sourcing materials and talking to manufacturers, I came across 'Pilus' and asked them if they still make the lovely faux fur ankle boot slippers I wore in a recent blog post, telling them that the ladies in Le Salon could not find them anywhere, and that Google searches resulted in "plus sized slippers". They were thrilled, but désolée for having none left (mine were from AW2013). The new collection is not the same, but I found some beautiful items from other small manufactures which will be joining the collection in the months to come.

The jewellery suppliers section of another show transformed the exhibition hall into Aladdin's cave... strands and strands of semi-precious stones, beads, pearls and crystals in every color, shape and size imaginable were hanging from pegs and bars or were piled into boxes.

I am sorry for the shortness of this post, but it's been hectic since I got back and I'm still battling with the flu I caught on my return journey. Pictures of the current FSH windows next, hopefully in a few days. 

Have a great week ahead everyone xx


  1. Thank you Mai Tai for such a gentle, respectful post.

  2. Dearest MaiTai,

    Wishing you well and hope you are feeling better very soon. Simone xx

    1. Merci for the lovely good wishes, dearest Simone xx

  3. Darling MT, so very sorry to hear that you are struggling with the flu:-( Don't concern yourself with us! We will always be here when you are feeling better; hopefully,sooner rather than later!
    I am sure seeing Paris after the recent events left a chill that not even the pretty baubles could help shake! How sweet it was of you to inquire about the slippers<3 I am certain that I am not the only one looking forward to seeing the new additions to the Collection...all in good time!
    So for now, get plenty of rest and take good care of yourself. I hope DH and DS are well and not down,too! Sending healing hugs and positive thoughts your way, T xx

    1. I neglected to add a big THANK YOU for getting this post up and out...flu and all!
      The spirit of the the city and country conveyed beautifully thru your lens<3

    2. You're so right, Trudye. I would so love to get a print of the lion, frame him and hang him in a place of honor.

      MT has such a wonderful eye . . . with everything. She's a true artist in every sense of the word.

      Hope you are well, chickie,

    3. This chickie bird is doing great,my friend,merci!
      Yes, that lion pic is stunning and all it,too! I love how it stands out amongst the misty fog...a beacon of strength!
      Your champagne cocktail sounds delish! NOLA is mid way for the two of us...let's get together and sample a few champagne cocktails!

      How are your little feral kittens, LBD and her friend...forgot the name? Hope they are staying toasty warm in the cold!

      Stay warm...and keep sending cocktail recipes!
      Chin chin,J!

    4. Meeting up in New Orleans would be fun, wouldn't it - as long as it isn't in summer. Summer heat and humidity and New Orleans are definitely not a good mix. especially if you want to sip a couple of champagne cocktails!

      LBD and Louie are faring well, thanks to my neighbor's custom made cat "igloos," constructed of purr pads and the like (including warming discs she puts in their beds twice a night), but bad Louie keeps ripping his apart. Cats are not the most grateful beings on the face of this earth! But, thanks for asking about them. I'll tell the sweeties that you inquired.

      And, of course, I got the name of that delicious champagne cocktail wrong. It's a St. Charles Streetcar - duh. Charleston is another charming southern city all together. I think my brain might be frozen!

      Yummy drinks, dearest,

    5. NOLA in the summer is waaay too hot and sultry for me too,Jerrine!
      I do love taking that St. Charles streetcar thru the garden district when the azaleas are in bloom! Beautiful and a good way to stay cool on a hot day!

      Glad those little furbies have their igloos to roost in! Yes, give them a scratch behind the ears for me,please;-)
      Yes, hope our gal MT, is feeling better and starting to get some pep in her step!
      Champagne dreams,

    6. Dearest Trudye, your sweet healing hugs and good energy worked like a charm, feeling almost totally restored <3 Definitely well enough to join you an Jerrine cruising through NOLA sipping St Charles streetcars, count me in! Jerrine darling thanks so much for the recipe, can't wait! Re cats, at least Mr Louie acknowledes the pads, which can be interpreted as a form of gratefulness. Mme C has got a lot to learn! Happy Sunday to you both xx

  4. Sending well wishes, and hoping you're feeling better very soon! The last photo is exquisite!

  5. Oui Paris est triste depuis se terrible jours de janvier .
    Bientôt de très belles choses se profilent.
    Ma très chère MAITAI je te souhaite de te rétablir bien vite .
    Plein de bises et a très bientôt

    1. Merci, chère Myriam. En espèront les belles choses se profilent très bientôt.. Bises

  6. Dearest MaiTai,

    So sorry to learn you're under the weather w/ the flu--wishing you lots of rest, lots of water-drinking and lots of TLC from your loved ones, many of whom (me) are sending you healing vibes...brain waves do work!!!

    Your poignant photo of the lion, standing atop the 'hill', in the cold austere sky says so much; thank you for capturing the mood in an instant.

    I do hope that Paris, France and the rest of the world can be that lion, the king of the world, in the battle against heinous crimes against mankind.

    Godspeed in beating that flu, and getting back to creating beautiful objects of art for the MaiTai Colleciton.

    big hugs & keep warm,

    1. Lovely, sammie. We seem to feel pretty much the same about that lion as a symbol of strength and courage.

      A good week to you and to all,

    2. Dearest beauty Jerrine,

      Thx for your thoughts, and wishing you a good first week of February. (and a very belated happy new year to you; I've been MIA from the blog, but Le Salon never far from my thoughts).

      Stay warm,

    3. That's nice to hear, sammie, as you're in our thoughts, too, of course. A happy 2015 to you, as well.


      PS - In regard to staying warm, it's 25 here this morning, but considering the temperatures elsewhere, I suppose I should be thankful for that 25!

    4. So well said, dearest sammie. I very much hope too that we can all be that lion xx

  7. Sorry to hear you a poorly, hope you recover quickly, best wishes from the Southcoast UK xx

  8. Thank you for this post, and for not letting us forget this tragedy. As a French friend of mine said, "This is our 9/11."

    Je suis Charlie.

    Your photos are lovely and poignant, and I'm glad your trip was successful. Take care and feel better soon--

    xx Greta

    1. Your friend is right. Je suis Charlie. Take care too xx

  9. Many thanks to our Madame Maitai for her considerate post...adding my best wishes for your recovery, take care. xx Mandy

    1. Merci for the kind note and good wishes, dear Mandy xx

  10. Dearest MT,

    Pooh to the flu! I hope that you're resting and that you'll recover quickly!

    These photos capture the melancholy mood of Paris in it's time of grief. Your photos are hauntingly beautiful, however. The first picture is pure art, with the image of the Tour Eiffel shrouded in the mist. It's a powerful image.

    On another note, I eagerly await the FSH windows posts and I can't wait to see what lovelies you're adding to your collection!! BTW...if you EVER get the long tassel necklaces back in stock....Please know that I want the Vieux D'or and the Plum! I can't stop thinking about them! ( Can we say, OCD?)

    Feel better!

    1. Darling Haverfordgal,
      Have ben wondering if you are making any progress? Fingers,toes crossed that you are! But, tincture of time is usually the order here!
      I am sure your fine hubs is keeping you stocked in your favorite it is fun trying!
      Thinking of you,

    2. Trudye, let's go visit Haverfordgal and take her some "medicine" - St. Charles Streetcar champagne cocktails for everyone.

      I love your expression - "tincture of time." I will try and remember that one.


    3. My kind of medicine,Jerrine! But, let's wait until those rolling blizzards are on their way out to make a house call! We don't need to slip on the ice while 'under the influence'! Then Haverfordgal would really have her hands full!
      Chin chin,

    4. She'd have to order in a LOT more champagne! Bet we'd have fun, though.


    5. Thank you for the good wishes, dearest haverfordgal! Hope you are better yourself! Will join J and T on the house call (following them around everywhere these days), hope the ice bucket is ready!

  11. I've enjoyed following your blog for years. I'm a lover of all things Hermes too! Hope you get well soon.

    1. So happy to know, many thanks! Hope you'll continue to the enjoy the posts :-)

  12. Dear Mai Tai,

    Sorry to hear that you are struggling with the flu!!

    I do really appreciate that even feeling poorly you have time for us!!!!

    Paris looks sad and grey after the horrible events.. but as one of the ladies of the Salon said we must be brave!!!

    My DH just booked a long weekend over Paris for the 13th of this month and as he says “Nobody it’s going to stop us “ and in a sort of way it’s a tribute to the city that has given us so much wonderful mementos .. Even with heightened secure measures I’m sure it will be worth it...

    It will be an easy visit, just keeping with Hermès theme we’ll be flâneurs.. and your carnet d’adresses will help us to find nice places for nurturing our soul... and of course a visit to FSH will be “ de rigueur”..

    Just take care.. We’ll be all here waiting for you..

    Thanks again for sharing the moving pictures

    Regards from Barcelona

    1. Your sweet DH is right, my dearest ilsa! Wishing you both a most romantic and beautiful Valentine's weekend. Love is the perfect tribute to Paris xx

  13. Poor Paris. I still feel so badly for all that was endured there recently. For some inexplicable and maybe silly reason, it always feels worse when a city of such beauty, elegance and culture is senselessly attacked and its citizens killed and terrified.

    I love your very evocative photo of that stone lion, seeming to stand guard protectively over Paris and also voicing his displeasure over what he's seen. May all the people of Paris share his lion heart at this point.

    On a lighter note, I did want to jump right into that "Aladdin's cave" and wallow around in all that goodness. I can't wait to see what you come up with in the future after this all this inspiration. And new goodies coming soon? Oh, boy . . .

    So sorry that you came down with the flu and are still battling it. It's a mean old bugger, and it doesn't like to let go, so rest as much as you can and don't worry about us. We aren't going anywhere are we ladies?

    Healing thoughts,

    1. Dear Jerrine,

      No, we aren't! :-)
      'Jumping with you into Aladdin's Cave'! I'm sure we will be delighted! <3
      Warm hug, Manuela

    2. No way! You can't get rid of us that easy!! :-). Simone

    3. Okay, Manuela, one . . . two . . . three - jump! (wallow, wallow, wallow.)

      Simone and Haverfordgal, that's the spirit. H, how are you feeling? Any progress to report, and is there any champagne left? I sincerely hope that you're improving day by day and that the champagne supply is endless.

      Speaking of champagne, I had the most wonderful champagne cocktail in New Orleans last winter. It's 1 oz. of pear vodka, 1/4 oz. of Sainte-Germaine liqueur (made from elderflowers), and then you fill up the flute with champagne and float a thin slice of pear peel on top. It's delicious and packs quite a punch. If I remember correctly, they call it a Charleston Streetcar in NOLA. Yum!


    4. Dear Jerrine,
      You made me laugh! :-) Happy hugs, Manuela

    5. That champagne cocktail sounds heavenly. I've never heard of pear vodka but they have all kinds of flavors now, don't they? As far as this blog is concerned, I'm not going anywhere either! After one or two of those champers cocktails, I will be incapable of movement in any case. Dear Haverfordgal, how are you doing? I hope you are feeling much better.
      Warm aloha,

    6. I hadn't either, but I guess its now available in every flavor but chocolate!

      I thought the Sainte-Germaine liqueur would be difficult to find, so I spent several hours tracking it down in New Orleans and then carried the very heavy (but oh-so-beautiful Art Nouveau-inspired) bottle all over the city for several hours and brought it home in my suitcase, only to find that it's readily available here. Oh, well . . .

      And, yes, after a couple of these babies, you won't be doing much moving. I think that's why I prefer to sip one in bed. You can simply pass out and not get hurt.

      A good weekend to you and all the ladies,

    7. Ha...just set up the bar on your bedside table and you are good to go,darling Jerrine! Or perhaps you already have? Lol!

      Yes a good weekend to all and hope the sun is shining in everyone's corner!

      Happy sipping,

    8. J Darling, You described the lion so well. I've walked past it many times, but it's never been as powerful as on that day. I visited the site of the attacks less than an hour before...
      Dearest Jerrine, Manuela, haverfordgal, Simone, Fifi and Trudye, you gals are the best, mwahs for your lovely notes and good wishes. So happy to join the party again! xx

  14. Speedy recovery, Mai Tai, and thank you for your haunting pictures of Paris.

  15. Just started following you on Pinterest. I love your blog!

    1. Thank you, and a very warm welcome to my boards!

  16. Dearest Mai Tai,

    Thank you so much for taking the time to make this post for us. You are truly kind and generous <3. As previously said by some of the ladies, we will all be here waiting for you, so please take all the time you need to rest and recover from the flu.

    I also find the first photograph very impressive, the right choice to describe the dark and sad atmosphere surroundng the City of Light right now.
    Let's hope this horrendous act will never happen again.
    On a happier note and like Jerrine, I am ready to 'jump into Aladdin's Cave' and do look forward to the upcoming members of the Mai Tai family.

    Sending you much love and healing hugs, Manuelaxx

    1. Thanks so much for the lovely and kind note, my dearest Manuela. So glad to be back, and to join you all again. Have a wonderful Sunday, and a great week ahead xx

  17. Thank you for this post it is good to show what goes on once the news reports stop, but life goes on and Paris will bounce back of that I am sure, look at London and New York.
    I hope you recover soon from the flu - I have had similar on top of a sprained ankle and banged head following a very bad fall. Take it easy! SAx

    1. Scarf, so sorry. You're had a bad time of it. Stay on your feet and no more falling, okay.

      Feel better,

    2. Dear SA, so sorry to hear! Sending you well wishes, too! Hope you're feeling better soon. NN

    3. Oh, you poor thing! Please take good care of yourself. I'm sending hugs your way.
      Much aloha,

    4. So very sorry to hear, dear SA. Hope you are feeling better soon! All the best x

  18. Take your time to recover MaiTai. I am so sad for Paris.

  19. :-) Get well soon, dear MaiTai!
    The snapshots of the beads are quite interesting… ;-)

  20. Oh what a sensitive and right post for what's happened in Paris and the sadness of all the people in France. Particularly in Paris of course.difficult to show beautiful things in this days right now, but Charlie would like to continue and you made it, as usual with your great sence of refined and delicate heart.
    Flu this year is everywhere take care dear Mai Tai.
    P.S. I hope that comment will leave because still in the islands and will stay 5 days more because of the Geneva ' awfull weather".
    So glad to hear you again.

    1. Hope you had a most beautiful and relaxing holiday, my dear Monica, with plenty of warm and happy sunshine! Looking forward to your return, have a safe journey home! Amities

  21. Best wishes for a speedy recovery, dear MaiTai. Take good care of your precious self. As with others here, the photo of the stone lion I find so compelling. It's on my computer desktop and looking at it brings strength as I face an unwelcome milestone of life which will occur tomorrow. There is a timeless quality to that photo, a sense of one's little problems merging with others down the ages, all part of the human story. What I endure, others have endured. As others overcame, I shall overcome. We are all connected. That brings me great comfort. Thank you so much for your unique blog. And oh! The beautiful candy-colored baubles - how delightful! I am so glad to be female!
    Warm aloha,

    1. Dearest Fifi,
      Sending out best wishes and congrats for your milestone on the horizon! May you celebrate everything that you are and everything you have walked thru to get there!
      Like the lion,may you walk in great strength...let us hear you roar!
      Celebrate, Fifi, celebrate!
      Big hugs,

    2. Trudye said it so well, Fifi, and I can't really add to perfection except to say roar and roar loudly!

      And, of course, celebrate, too, and maybe go pick out that new H. scarf.


    3. MT, I hope today finds you feeling a bit better and stronger after your bout with the nasty flu. Just want to thank you again for the lovely post, which hit just the right note and, of course, for the beautiful, artistic and sensitive photos.

      Healing hugs,

    4. Thank you, dearest Trudye and Jerrine, for your inspiring words and your kindness! Trudye, your post came before the "event" so I printed it out and brought it with me, along with other notes of encouragement from friends. I felt surrounded by love and support. Demure outside, I was roaring inside! Soon I will truly feel like celebrating and what better way than to pick out a new H scarf! "Thanks ever so!" (as Lorelei Lee would have said...) Dear MaiTai, hope this post finds you completely recovered from the nasties.
      Warmest aloha,

    5. Oh, Fifi, I am so glad you felt all of the love and support surrounding you...truly I am<3 There is no better feeling in the world than to know you are not alone!
      Prayers to you for continued strength and good results.
      Happy for the day when your roar on into to H to make your purchase! Hope that is soon!
      Warm hugs,

    6. Dearest Fifi, So very well done on facing your milestone with a roar!! I've been thinking of you, and like Trudye, so glad to know you felt the love and support of friends and kindred souls. A celebration is in order! Warm hugs x

  22. Feel better soon dear friend. So sad for Paris, I feel like the world has gone mad - so much darkness and bad news. Your blog is a wonderful respite :). All that beauty is so soothing. Keep up the good work 🇫🇷 😘 hugs bagmoma

    1. Thank you, dearest bagmoma. Biggest hugs right back x

  23. Dear Mrs Mai tai
    Living in Canada I like very much your blog and I read it very often. Unfortunately, I dont understand most of your abrevations!!
    It's really a pity for me

    1. So sorry re the abbreviations! I've been meaning to note down a glossary for the longest time, so getting right down to it now:

      Friends and family:
      DH - dear/darling husband
      DS - dear/darling son
      BF- best friend
      MIL - mother-in-law
      SIL - sister-in-law

      AW - Autumn/Winter
      SW - Spring/Summer
      RTW - Ready-to-wear

      Hermès related:
      FSH - motherstore, located in the 'rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré'
      B35 - Birkin size 35
      K32 - Kelly size 32
      PM - petite modèl (in scarves for example 90x90 cm)
      GM - grande modèle (in scarves for example 140 x 140cm)
      CS - cashmere/silk
      CSGM - cashmere silk scarf in 140 x 140 cm

      I hope it's a good start. Please let me know any you can think off which are missing! Anyone step in please :-)

  24. Healing thoughts and prayers for all victims of attacks.

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