When I started this blog five years ago, I could never have imagined the wonderful journey it has become. My most heartfelt thanks to those who enjoy coming here or reading via subscription, to those who comment, ask questions and send challenges... your tremendous encouragement means so much.
Over the years, this blog has become so much more than sharing a passion for scarves and scarf tying. It evolved to include so many different topics and parts of my life, that it has become a very personal 'picture book'. Many of my favourite features and topics would not be here without your requests and kind encouragement. Thank you all so much for sharing the journey and adventures with me. You have been such wonderful company, and I hope you continue to enjoy the posts and updates for the next five years to come!
Just a quick look down memory lane...mainly to see if the 'timeless' style has really stood the test of time! I still like the combination of checked trousers, a dark brown shirt and the Carré en Carré scarf from 2009 (below left), and the capsule pieces and accessories are still in my closet. They've been good purchases, I've worn them in many different combinations over the past years.
In the 2014 version, I've kept the look the same, only that I've tied the scarf in a criss-cross bow knot
The 'Carré en Carré' scarf has accessorized many capsule wardrobe looks over the past five years, here is a collage of some of my favourites:
Putting the above together made me realize how much I tend to team the CenC with brown, rust, mustard and orange... perhaps because I see it so much as my autumn scarf.
So I thought I'd try something different, a spring/summer variation:
Wearing a friendship knot on this special day, to thank you all for your tremendous support and friendship.
Capsule wardrobe pieces: white jeans and sleeveless V top (Kettlewell Colours)
Accessories: Hermès 'Carré en Carré' 90 carré, Clic-Clac H enamel bracelet in bourgogne and Picotin in etoupe
Shoes: bronze metallic Oran sandals
Scarf tying method: Friendship knot
A warm and more wintery variation:

Capsule wardrobe pieces: checked trousers, twist top (Kettlewell Colours) and taupe cardigan
Accessories: Hermès 'Carré en Carré' 90 carré, Clic-Clac H enamel bracelet in bourgogne and Picotin in etoupe
Scarf tying method: Friendship knot
Accessories: Hermès 'Carré en Carré' 90 carré, Clic-Clac H enamel bracelet in bourgogne and Picotin in etoupe
Scarf tying method: Friendship knot
Have a wonderful rest of the week everyone xx
Congratulations Dear Mai Tai!!!
ReplyDelete5 Years !!!
Time really flies...
Thanks for those moments of beauty and wisdom that you have shared with us
To many more!!!!!
Regards from Barcelona
Dear Maitai,
ReplyDeleteMany congratulations on this wonderful anniversary. Your picture book has gone from strength to strength and the quality of your photographs is a real achievement.
I bought my first Hermes scarf four years ago and have got so much use and enjoyment from the scarf rings and collars as my collection has grown, and it has always been fun trying out new scarf knots. I also have found it fun to see your travel pictures and get glimpses of places I haven't visited before.
Congratulations on your blogiversary! I am so glad to have found you and wish you continued success Maitai xx
ReplyDeleteisn't she fabulous? x
DeleteFaaabulous!! x
DeleteWhat a lovely giveaway!! Your scarf knots are so beautiful an inventive. Thank you for sharing your videos. :)
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday MaiTai´s picture book! Thank you for all the joy and inspiration you give us!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for all of your inspirations and for sharing tips, ideas and your European experiences. You are a gem! Angie
ReplyDeleteAw, dearest Mai Tai...happy blogging birthday! Heartfelt thanks for your tireless dedication to what you share with all here! Your creativity and style knows no bounds! I am sure it becomes a challenge at times to try and keep us entertained! You my friend never fail! Classic and timeless in your beauty and style, I bow to you,high priestess of H and all things in between! Sending a virtual cake with five sparklers across the www and hoping your dreams come true for the next five years and beyond! What a journey this has become. Much love and gratitude, Txx
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your 5th anniversary and thank you for sharing your timeless style with us! You've served as a lovely source of ideas and inspiration, and I for one look forward to more in the coming fiveyears!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday to your blog! I started enjoying your photos years ago on tPF. I just found your blog recently and have been keeping up to date on Bloglovin. Thank you for all the beautiful outfits, especially the gorgeous color combos made possible by Hermes carrés. Cheers!
En route pour les cinq prochaines années, avec beaucoup de plaisir ;)
Dear MaiTai,
ReplyDeleteHappy 5th Birthday to you! I can't tell you enough how much I enjoy your blog, with all the beautiful photos, all I have learned about Hermes scarves and various ways to tie them. I could go on and on. A big thank you for sharing so much with us. We are very lucky!
Simone xx
Dear MaiTai,
ReplyDeleteI am very proud to celebrate the birthday with you! Happy Birthday, MaiTai's Picture Book!!! Good bless you for the next five -or better fifty years in the midst of us: your web-sisters and admirer!
Best wishes
Happy birthday to one of my very favourite blogs - here's to you dear MT and to many many more posts from the most elegant wearer of H around! We are twins on this lovely scarf, and I must confess to wearing it mainly with greens and browns and rusts myself - thanks for the inspiration to widen its wearability! xx
ReplyDeleteHappy anniversary and thank you for continuing to bring such style to the blog world!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! I love your blog. It is one of my must reads. I always get so inspired by your creative ideas. Have to say that the Carre en Carre scarf is so beautiful and versatile. I wish Hermes would bring that one out again. Thank you very much my dear MaiTai for all your creativity. Hope many more years to come.
Dearest MaiTai.
ReplyDeleteHappy 5th Birthday and congratulations on all you have achieved with your blogs and collections, and heres to the next 5yrs.
I am always excited to see what new ideas you will show us and I have learnt so much on how to tie my carres in many different ways with the help of your fab scarf rings.
All my Best Jane x
Thanks so much for your fashion inspiration and allowing us a glimpse into your elegant life. Thanks to you I wear a scarf now practically every day, even with jeans and a T-shirt or simple sweater. I have two of my mother's beautiful Hermès scarves that are 20+ years old and I bought one for myself as a Christmas/birthday present to me. We share a design: I bought "Photo Finish" in the blue/grey colour way. Love it! These scarves are a small piece of Hermès that are within my reach.
ReplyDeleteThank you for all of your blog tips. I really love your blog and your classic styling ideas. Happy birthday.
ReplyDeleteBon anniv' Maitai!
ReplyDeleteAnd I am sure that the next five years will be as good as the five previous ones, if not better!
all the best,
Béatrice, Switzerland
Congratulations, and Happy Anniversary for your blog! I have been reading you for a couple of years, and the information and ideas are most helpful. I have learned a great deal and incorporated much into my own life. Here's to many more years of success with your venture. Bisous!
ReplyDeleteThank you for this wonderful blog. I have followed you since I hade breast cancer I n 2010. It was then I started collecting H scarfs and wearing them. Now I have one every day and I look at your pictures and ideas every week to have ides how to. I hope you will stay at least fifteen more years. Titti
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! I love your blog!!
ReplyDeleteOh dear Mai Tai I am sad to have discovered this wonderful blog only 2 years ago. 5 years of your so distinguishedd advices for knotting scarfs, ideas for adjusting colours, your so beautiful pictures and you so so pretty Not changed at all in 5 years what is your secret? Happiness and a lot of talent for everything you do and it's true, encouraged by your lovely readers almost friends since 5 years and full of admiration for your so perfect blog and material you sell. Very refined always.
ReplyDeleteThanks to give us so much of your precious time but you make a lot a lot of happy persons!
Ok we are ready for the next 5 years
Gratulation zum 5. Geburtstag! Die Beiträge sind immer wieder eine Inspiration.
ReplyDeleteHerzliche Grüße - S
Congratulations on this wonderful milestone! Your blog, one of my favorite reads, is such a treasure trove of inspiration. Thank you for sharing your creativity and travels. Looking forward to continuing the journey with you! I say we have champagne all around! Cheers to you!
ReplyDeleteBTW--I love the mallard-colored top with your CenC . . . such a great combo! xoxo
Marla, you are truly a delight! (anyone who suggests a champagne cheer is tops in my book!)
DeleteTo quote a gentleman friend, "There isn't a woman alive that doesn't love champagne!"
DeleteCongrats Mai Tai - a beautiful and very inspired site.
ReplyDeleteI have learned so much from your wonderful blog. I look forward to see more in the coming years.
ReplyDeleteDear MaiTai,
ReplyDeleteJe vous souhaite un très bel anniversaire! Je suis certaine que ce blog va durer encore de nombreuses années!
Dearest MaiTai,
ReplyDeleteMany years ago I followed a yahoo group called "Allthingshermès" and when one day I requested an information about a Hermès scarf I was told that I could ask MaiTai.
Hardly could I guess that this would lead me later to your blog and to the beginning of a wonderful journey.
Not only are you a source of inspiration and style and wear Hermès like no one else does, you are so generous and kind to share some more personal moments of your life with us.
Your fantasy has no end and you always come up with new ideas, wether it is new knots or new items that you so gracefully design.
I have learned so much with you. Your blog is not only about how to tie a Hermès scarf but about observing, valuing the tiny things in life. It is a break from the daily routine, a magic place to exchange ideas and thoughts. Thank you, my dear friend.
Happy Birthday to the MaiTai´s Picture Book! I look forward to many, many years of fun together. <3 Much love, Manuela
Manuela, I have enjoyed reading all of your comments over the past year!
DeleteThank you for your kind words, dear Haverfordgal. Kind regards, Manuela
DeleteManuela, I love this comment! I've learnt so much form this blog too. Maitai is an inspiration to so many people the world over who she will never meet x
DeleteDear Faux Fuchsia,
DeleteSo sweet of you to write that! <3
We are really lucky to have such a wonderful teacher, aren´t we?
I also think she is fabulous! Have a great week! M xx
My dear Manuela,
DeleteAs Faux Fuchsia said, I too love your eloquent words about learning so much from our dear MaiTai - not just limited to the beautiful scarf tying, but in all other facets of life - in so many ways and on so many levels. It is awe-inspiring how MaiTai does everything with total commitment and dedication! Warmest friendship hugs to you, Scarf Enthusiast xx
Felicitations pour ces 5 annees merveilleuses, pour l'inspiration, l'elegance et la beaute de votre blog! Merci :) Congratulations on these 5 wonderful years, for the inspiration, the elegance and the beauty of your blog. Thank you :) Merci aussi pour les belles photos de France: je suis francaise habitant a l'etranger (Grece), mon pays me manque beaucoup, et j'aime beaucoup retrouver son charme dans vos photos: la beaute des sacs, des foulards, des boucles en corne (l'un de mes reves), des decors et des paysages francais. Happy Blog Anniversary and Warmest wishes!
Dear Maitai,
ReplyDeleteCONGRATULATIONS!!!! I love your blog and it was one of the 1st I started reading. I was fascinated by you and had no, yes that's right, NO Hermes scarves. Not one. Thank God those days are over. I've got the clic clacs too but sadly, no birkin or kelly for me! (Yet).
I really think everyone will agree that you are one of the most gracious, kind and stylish people on the internet, and everyone wants to look like you. I really love the garden posts and cooking posts too.
Please let me win a scarf ring I live in fear of losing the 2 I have.
Well done xxxxx
Faux Fuschia, I always look forward to reading your comments!
DeleteAs do I. Even your screen name never ceases to make me giggle.
DeleteMorning from wet & windy England. Five years of blogging hope you are having a glass of champers at lunchtime (I always think decadent) to celebrate. I love the new spring/summer colours you have put together, the blue & deep red lifted by the white. I am off on a cruise in the spring so might steel the idea for my holiday capsule wardrobe. Love the Blog, I am forwarding the link to my sister-in-law who has just discovered scarves !
ReplyDeleteUn très Joyeux Anniversaire à votre blog! Continuez à nous donner vos inspirations de mode intemporelle avec nos foulards chéris! J'ai du faire la démonstration ce week end à 2 personnes du criss-cross bow knot sur mon foulard "sous l'égide de mars" qu'il met particulièrement bien en valeur:j'ai donné les coordonnées de votre blog! merci également d'avoir partagé le site kettelwell colours:très bien!Amitiés
ReplyDeleteSince I discover the blog recently, and I love all your advices and style, I decided to check your old post from the beginning, I am in March 2011 Congratulation! I wish you many more years of happy blogging.
ReplyDeleteAs a relatively new follower of your blog (12 months), I would like to thank you for bringing such gracious elegance and style to the internet. I have thoroughly enjoyed looking back over the last 5 years and relish each new entry. Sending warm regards and best wishes for a Happy Blog Birthday.
ReplyDeleteWell done, Mai Tai, 5 years is quite an achievement blog wise.
ReplyDeleteThose pics above are a testament to classic style, I cringe when I see some of the outfits I wore three years ago in my blog!
Happy 5th anniversary from Ohio! I am so glad to have found you, and look forward to starting my day with the latest post from the south of France. Your blog is beautiful and inspires beauty. I wish you the very best, and look forward to sharing your next 5 years!
ReplyDeleteHappy 5th Anniversary - felicitations! I have long admired your timeless, impeccable style and your blog is a constant reference for me. There's so much to learn and more still to come - thank you for sharing! Here's to the next 5 years and beyond :-)
ReplyDeletewonderfull MaiTai
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on this little pretty jubilee of Mai Tai picture book! Cheers to many more years to come!
ReplyDeleteBravo Mai Tai . You are truly amazing . Your unerring eye for nature and your surroundings reflected in your colour choices is astonishing.
ReplyDeleteI really love receiving your e -mails . They brighten my day and make me determined to try harder to improve my scarf knots.
Every best wish for the future .
N. J.
Has it really been five years? I'm feeling older, but you, my friend, are looking younger with each passing year.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on the great success of your blog. I remember the day when the first post went up, and it's been nothing but full speed ahead, much success and sincere accolades since. It's one of the most interesting, and one of the loveliest and most evocative blogs out there. I wouldn't miss it and eagerly look forward to each new chapter.
We all thank you for your dedication in making this such a lovely little respite from the world for all of us.
Joyeux anniversaire, charming MaiTai,
Happy 5th birthday and congratulations! I remember seeing you on the Hermes subforum on TPF as far back as 2008. When you started your blog, I was pretty new to the "blog world" myself and yours was one of the first I started reading.
ReplyDeleteI have a serious H addiction like many here and love your beautiful photos involving Hermes. I call the FSH windows photos you post "H Porn" - they're so good! However, what really lures me back every time are your other posts about your beautiful life in the south of France. You have exquisite taste in decorating (your Christmas decorations and tabletops rock), your photography, your love of the day-to-day (oysters and a little local wine. Yum.) and, of course, your style. I also love your cooking posts and wish you would do more of these.
I have never been to the south of France but feel like I know it thanks to Mai Tai's Picture Book. Reading it has become one of my little escapes in my day to day life. Thank you so much for all the time and effort you have put in to it and please please continue it for another five years or more!
Warm regards
Wow, so many birthday wishes, and they are well deserved! You are truly the one and only when it comes to scarf wearing and tying!
ReplyDeleteAfter seeing this post, I decided to try the criss-cross bow knot for the first time, and was surprised to see some color pop from the scarf that seemed almost monochromatic when I was usually wearing it! http://forum.purseblog.com/hermes/which-scarf-pointu-pochette-are-you-wearing-today-812517-577.html#post26157929
Happy birthday to you and your blog, and may you come up with many other knots to share with us ;)
Tres heureux anniversaire de blog très chère MAITAI si dans les 5 prochaines années vous etes toujours la je serai la aussi pour vous suivre Merci de nous faire partager un peu de votre vie et vos look vous etes un exemple pour nous
ReplyDeleteJe vous embrasse longue vie a votre blog
And you never age! Happy 5th! ♥
ReplyDeleteYou have well proven through the years that classic always works! I love my scarf ring and bracelets that I have gotten from you. I would love the opportunity to have another one! Your blog is a wonderful inspiration. xo H
ReplyDeleteDearest MaiTai,
ReplyDeleteHappy blog b-day, and many more to come!
Time sure flies when you're doing something you love, and as I remarked a few posts ago, MaiTai, your blog is really all about love--your love of life and all the details that make living so wonderful.
Thank you so much for sharing your world w/ us, teaching us by looking.
Love your looks, each and every one!! Congrats on this milestone, happily following now on Facebook as well as your blog and Pinterest, your style is flawless!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your 5th blog anniversary ! Thank you sooooo much for all the joy and inspiration. Since following your blog I see my Hermès Scarves with different eyes - you showed me the pleasure in playing with my scarves.
ReplyDeleteAnd - you look younger than ever ;-)
Happy 5th Blogging Birthday from California, Mai Tai...
ReplyDeleteJust love your blog and appreciate you sharing all of your fashion capsules; showing how to pull them together with what you already own ~ truly beautiful and classic styles. I also enjoy your pictures while traveling and how well put together, yet so comfortable you always appear. Thank you for the opportunity to win one of your scarf rings...to someday use with a Hermes scarf. A personal goal is to own a beautiful Hermes scarf and/or one of your beautiful fur collars.:-)
Congratulations Mai Tai. Thank you for the ideas and inspiration over the past years. And for your wonderful products. All the best.
Dear Gorgeous,
ReplyDeleteall the best.
You have made many of our days happy. I feel like a member of your blog-surrounding, as have participated with my comments and your thoughts - nice to be in a phantastic surrounding of you and other pretty ladies on your blog.
Love, Lea
Dearest Mai Tai,
ReplyDeleteThe happiest anniversary to you...what a brilliant milestone! Personally, I can't even imagine my world without Mai Tai! You've generously shared your essential style tips, and have made me an even greater afficionado of all things Hermès . My collection continues to grow because of the inspirations that I find here, through you. I hope that you continue to offer your beautiful wares, as everything that I've purchased has been so beautifully made!
As a fellow blonde, of 1/2 Swedish and 1/2 Italian heritage, I particularly appreciate that we share similar skin/eye/hair tones....it is so helpful to see you wearing certain colours....I can easily imagine them on myself.
I look forward to many more years with you, dearest Mai Tai! Your blog is truly one of the delights of this world!
Congratulations! You haven't aged a day in all this time.
manon729 at yahoo dot com
Happy Blog Birthday! I am wearing the friendship knot as well, in honor of your special day. Yesterday, I wore the criss-cross bow knot. I constantly receive comments about my scarves now (thanks to you), which are always followed up with "I just don't know how to wear them!" Naturally, I point them in your direction. Thank you for your inspiration!
ReplyDeleteHappy anniversary! I have been reading your blog for about a year and really enjoy a world that is so far from my own. I am confined to my bed with a chronic incurable illness and feel lifted by your gorgeous photos. Coincidentally, after saving up for months, I ordered my first ever Hermes scarf today. I daren't tell my husband the cost, but I will enjoy wearing it, even if no-one other than my family see me. Love your scarf rings too. I ordered some of those moths ago and enjoy trying out different knots with my small collection.
ReplyDeleteAt least from now on, when my new scarf arrives, I will be bedridden, but glamorous!
Best wishes for the next five years, Anny
Dear Anny, your words touched me.
DeleteMay you wear your Hermès scarf with great joy. Kind regards, Manuela
Anny...let me join Manuela in sentiment! Glam it up and enjoy your new scarf! I hope it brings you great cheer! Wishing you the best, Trudye
DeleteThank-you! My scarf is due to arrive tomorrow morning and I am so excited. Best wishes, Anny
DeleteDear Anny, how exciting to be receiving your first Hermes scarf. I know you will look so lovely in it! Wishing you all the best, Simone
DeleteAnny, you are to be commended for your spirit. May you enjoy your new H scarf and many more to come. You are truly an inspiration.
Dear Anny,
DeleteUntil I found this blog I hadn't bought any Hermes scarves either! I am so glad yours is arriving soon. Best wishes and enjoy your scarf x
Dear Anny,
DeleteWelcome to "MT's blog's gang" as Fifi said! We have all much more in common than H scarves. Hope you will share friendly moments with us and our gang leader!.
Kind and warm regards,
Anny, good for you! Enjoy your new scarf; I know you will wear it with aplomb.
DeleteWith warm aloha,
Dear Anny,
DeleteCongratulations on your first Hermès scarf, how very exciting! The first one is so special - hope you'll enjoy! Sending you warmest MaiTai's sisterhood greetings with best wishes, Scarf Enthusiast xo
Thank you all for your kind comments. Sadly, my scarf did not arrive yesterday. I can see from the tracking information that it has got as far as Birmingham and I hope that it comes on Monday. It is La Promenade de Platon in a very bright colour way!
DeleteDearest Anny,
DeleteJoining in with the lovely ladies, many congratulations on your first Hermes scarf! The Promenade de Platon is a wonderful choice, and I hope it will be with you very soon!
Would love to match it with a scarf ring from my collection, and be grateful if you could email the CW of your scarf and a delivery address to: maitaicollection@orange.fr Many thanks!
Hope you’ll join our merry gang, and please let us know once your beauty has arrived!
With warmest best wishes,
MaiTai xx
Oh, I am so thrilled! Thank you so much for thinking of me. I have been so low recently, with my illness, and saved up for months to buy the scarf. I ordered a really bright one to cheer myself up.
DeleteIt is:
La Promenade de Platon
Silk twill scarf, hand-rolled (90 cm x 90 cm)
Ref. H002757S 17
The colours are turquoise, purple, gold and red. I love the colours and the pattern appeals to me as I studied Ancient History at University so many years ago. I have had to go against all of your advice and buy without seeing first as I am too ill to travel to London to shop. But I am sure I will love it.
I love your scarf rings and bought three last year which really jazz up my cheap and cheerful scarves. One day I might even be brave enough to have a picture taken in my scarf.
Thank you for your wonderful blog and your kindness.
Best wishes
Dear Anny,
DeleteCongratulations on your lovely first H scarf , what a perfect choice , and I know that everytime you wear it you will smile a little looking at the colours and design enjoy.
All my very best Jane
Dear Amy,
DeleteCongratulations on your first silk! However, beware....you have now been pulled into the irresistible vortex of Hermes!
As a word of encouragement...I am plagued with Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis. There are times when the pain seems unbearable, and it hinders my ability to move about. I want you to know that you are not alone, and that you're now part of our lovely H family here. I hope that your new scarf cheers you and gives you hope!
Dear Anny, thanks so much for keeping us posted! The CW you chose is so beautiful, and I am thrilled the new shawl ring goes well with it. Many congratulations again! Wiishing you all the best. With warmest regards, MT x
Deletehaverfordgal, big hugs to you <3 xx
I adore the wintry look you created here. I always loved the fabric, color, subtlety of those pants. Love the long sweater too. My other fav look is the cream sweater you wear. It always looks so pretty!
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday and congratulations to you lovely MT. I've been reading from the very beginning and loved all your posts, the travel, the cooking, Paris Paris Paris and of course the scarves and accessories. You always look sublime and v beautiful. I hope you do another 5 years!!
ReplyDeleteMany of my scarves have been inspired by your choices over the seasons and I always wear my BdG all the way from France with much fondness!!
Again Happy birthday!!
Still loving your blog posts after all these years dear MT. Joyeux Anniversaire MTPB. xxxS
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday!!! It was my 32nd birthday on the 2nd of February and I treated myself to my first hermes scarf (Brides de Gala). A reason to look forward to ageing! Attempted your cowboy knot for my birthday breakfast, although sadly without a scarf ring. x
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Mai Tai! Greetings from Singapore =) I have always been a lurker on your blog...Hehehee...You totally inspire me with your elegance and creativity! I bought the Maxi Twilly and had sent you email enquiries for the scarf rings, but atlas, due to family commitments, have yet to make the purchase. Wore my Brazil MT today and I thought of you...Visited your blog and am pleasantly surprised at your giveaway (",) Thank you for the inspiration and i really love your capsule looks! Looking forward to more from your picturebook/blog! Cheers! - =) Sue Silvester
ReplyDeleteCongratulations MT! Thank you for keeping us so inspired, always! Always loved your fashion sense, lifestyle, and even dreaming about life in France from the little hot spot here in Singapore! Wishing you and your blog many more good years. Cheers!! Jasmine
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your 5th blog year, Mai Tai! As a new subscriber I look forward to each email. I am the lucky owner of three precious Hermes scarves acquired over several years, and plan to buy a fourth in Vegas this month. However will I choose just one?? Thank you so much for sharing your passion and expertise with us. Looking forward to being part of your blog gang in 2014.
ReplyDeleteFifi, I just love your idea of a MT's blog's gang wearing an H scarf tied on a cow boy knot with a MT scarf ring :)))
Catherine, I can picture it! We would be scary chic.
DeleteWith aloha,
Happy anniversary, dearest MaiTai! You've been my number one inspiration regarding both accessories and medditerranean cousine) I even went to my first ski trip ever to the beautiful Alps inspired by you wonderful yearly travelogues. Thank you very much for your work and effort. I've been reading your blog for years and it greatly helped me to fill my life with joie de vivre as well. You are an amazingly graceful, stylish and wonderful person and I wish you many more adventures and inspirations for your superb collection!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, MaiTai on wonderful five years. You have added so much with your beautiful style vignettes and your MaiTai collection. I adore my scarf rings, bangles and lavender sachets and always look forward to your posts. What might be next or which product might be next? Also, I appreciate in what classy and warm way you interact with people.
ReplyDeleteMerci pour tout.
to celebrate with you I just bought a scarf called Gauchos or something in a sort of menthol colourway with grey and a matching enamal clic clac whatsy. It's not neutral but at least I tried...you are an inspiration to us all x
ReplyDeleteSo exciting! Look forward to some pics. Xx
DeleteHappy birthday wishes, and with thanks for your lovely blog, and indeed friendship, that I'm sure we all feel. I guess we can all feel increasingly isolated and disconnected in our busy lives, and I never imagined I would feel connections to others though a blog, but yours has provided that to me. Truly classic and timeless style. My best wishes to you, s.
ReplyDeleteHello dear MT,
ReplyDeletemany warm birthday wishes to your beautiful blog. I love your wonderful creations very much. You are a very adorable person with a natural elegance, thanks so much for work and your lovely inspirations. It is always a pleasure to read your posts. I'm looking forward to the next five year...
Bine x
Happy Blog Birthday, dearest Tai! I think I found your blog four, perhaps even five years ago when doing a Google search on scarf tying and Hermes. From there, I followed along, studying and copying all of your fabulous knots with delight. Scarf time has become so fun! Thank you, dear, for sharing your life and knowledge with all of us for the past five years, and chin chin to the next five!
ReplyDeleteWarm orange hugs, dear
Happiest big 5th to you, my dearest MaiTai!
ReplyDeleteA most sincere thank you for opening your heart so big and wide, sharing your magical beauty, your elegant wisdom, and so many of your personal moments with us for the past five years! What an extraordinary place is your beautiful MaiTai's Picture Book - my very favorite. Your mastery and knowledge is encyclopedic, your brilliant creativity utterly immeasurable, and your imagination and inventiveness absolutely limitless. Your generosity and thoughtfulness is overwhelming, dear MaiTai - you embrace each reader and their comment, request, inquiry, challenge with utmost kindness and genuine care. Thank you for being you, for giving so much, for being an exceptional example and an inspiration, and for being the most wonderful friend to all!
What an honor it is to share your beautiful journey, dear friend. Raising a sparkling glass to you, our beloved MaiTai, wishing you many happy years ahead <3 With all my love, admiration and much gratitude, SE xoxo
You said it all, dear Scarf Enthusiast, and so beautifully! A warm hug to you, Manuela
DeleteLiebe MaiTai,
Deleteich kann mich den Kommentaren auch nur anschließen und wünschen, dass Sie weiterhin Zeit finden Ihre Passion und Kreativität mit uns zu teilen.
Herzliche Glückwünsche zum 5 ten Geburtstag und liebe Grüße aus der Bretagne !
Thank you so much for your very kind words, my dear Manuela! How wonderful it is to share and celebrate with you our mutual admiration and love for our very dear MaiTai. Here's to another five years of ever growing friendships! Big hugs to you, Scarf Enthusiast xx
DeleteDear Madame Maitai, Congradulations on the birthday of your wonderful blog ! Although I'm in the wrong hemisphere to you, and sizzling in the Australian heat, -I always enjoy your blog and reading your summer/winter archives....your style ideas are great and I love Hermes scarves ! I've even laid hands on C'est la Fete !! Hip hooray for Maitai's Picture Book !
ReplyDelete:-) Mandy
I hope so much that Anny wins a ring scarf and it's so wonderful to read all the fantastic comments of your friends'followrers all lovers of H .
My dearest and most wonderful ladies and friends,
ReplyDeleteI don’t even know how to begin to thank you for the generous, warm, beautiful, gracious, kind and simply amazing comments and good wishes!
Each and every single one means so much to me, and I will cherish them forever. You simply blew me away, and made this one of my happiest birthdays ever. I feel blessed to have such a special and lovely group of people gathering here, and am thrilled to see friendships blossoming between you too <3
A big thank you also to all readers, to those who wrote emails, everyone who participated in the give-away, and to all the new likes and subscriptions on facebook, Pinterest, YouTube and email. Your support means so much.
Here's to the next five years!
Warmest friendship hugs,
MaiTai xxx
The give-away is over, thanks so much for participating everyone!
ReplyDeleteThe winners are announced in the widget above, and have been notified via email. If you are one of the winners but didn't receive my message, please check your spam folder or let me know your scarf ring choice and delivery address via email: maitaicollection@orange.fr
Hope those who did not win this time will be lucky in the next give-away, and wishing everyone a very happy Sunday xxx
Thank you very much Dear MaiTai,
ReplyDeleteI am so glad! :)
Many congratulations, dear Perla!
DeleteDear MaiTai,
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on such a wondeful achivement. 5 years on blogsphere is almost unheard of. You are always so generous and such a muse to us all.
Wishing you the best.
Well done! xxx
Liebe MaiTai,
ReplyDeleteich kann mich den vielen lieben positiven Kommentaren auch nur anschließen und wünschen, dass Sie weiterhin Zeit finden Ihre Passion und Kreativität mit uns zu teilen.
Herzliche Glückwünsche zum 5 ten Geburtstag und liebe Grüße aus der Bretagne !
It has arrived! I am almost speechless. I have never seen anything so gorgeous before in my life! The colours, the workmanship! Wow!
ReplyDeleteDear Anny,
Deletecongratulations on your first H scarf! I had a look to the scarf you have chosen and I also love the colours and the pattern! I hope you´ll enjoy your wonderful scarf every day! Best wishes from germany