Please excuse the 'mauvais' quality of the photos, after having changed the settings to 'snow' while away, I must have done something else to my camera, as today's pics all came out blurry.

Capsule pieces: chocolate sweater, checked wool trousersShoes: chocolate ballet flats
Accessories: Brides de Gala 90 Carré Dip Dye, marron glacé clic bracelet and Picotin bag
Scarf tying method: Criss-cross bow knot with MT grande scarf ring in honey
And with my much loved leather jacket on top
I am very sorry for not having responded yet to all comments of the previous post, and I am also behind on a few emails.. my apologies, I will try and catch up tomorrow.
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Oh, how I love your BdG and the extra softness of the dip dye! Looking forward to the criss-cross instructions. It's one of my "go-to" knots. It's such a lovely look, one that you wear well, dear MaiTai.
ReplyDeleteIf I may trouble you, in one of your posts 15 Feb 11, which is linked to the FdI post of 5 Mar 11, you have a photo of 70 Vintage Carré 'Pani-La Shar Pawnee'. What color of purple is the background color? It's gorgeous!
I bought LePegase in violet along with the FdI Plisse. I'm kind of second guessing it right now, wishing the color was a deeper purple and not as bright, but I love the design.
Warm orange hugs, CS
I simply adore Brides de Gala dipdye,the chocolate colour is great on you. I was in H in Bond Street last week, and was surprised to find they still have it in your colourway and also the aubergine. Those colours just didn't really suit me , and I remembered one of your golden rules, so I left it in the shop . Years ago I would have gone for it....Happily I found an adorable gavroche in Harrods, and the coral, orange shades were just my colours . Vive la difference !
ReplyDeleteMai Tai
ReplyDeleteYour outfit posts always cheer me up and inspire me.
I am having great fun with my scarf rings. I am off to Honolulu later this year and will be on the look out for some more scarves and possibly a bag. I hear the H stores there have an excellent range.
Thank you.
SSG xxx
Sydney Shop Girl blog
Is your Pico Gris P or Gris T or some other color all-together? Thanks!
ReplyDeleteSo here it is ... your new post, which is building your blog, a peaceful, stylish oasis in our world which obviously does not comprise many of the nice things we would like to have, be close to them or at least to dream about them...and which contains so many things we would like to avoid and never hear of. Today, I just switched off the outer world, hit my anchor in my virtual ocean and was enjoying your post, element by element. A nice scarf (the colours would not suit me, but it is anyhow nice silk, high quality colouring, with all attributes the Hermes scarves bring with them). But, this time I concentrated so much on your beautiful khaki sweater which has beautiful shine to it (camera setting did not affect its siimple and stylish beauty), chocolate sweater (hm, how could I believe that it was not expensive, as I have bought several inexpensive sweaters recently and all of them ended up in terrible shape after very few usages), scarf horn rings (yes, I have them!) and scarf bow shape itself. It inspired me to start playing with my scarves and that, actually short period of time, was a perfect escape from my not-so-nice daily routine. Thanks for your playtime and style - you are making us happy in our micro-cosmos where we are collecting energy to wake up and step further the next day. If I had the blog, it would be so nice a compliment to hear - it is why I wrote it to you, hoping it will be equally nice for your ears, as I cannot express myself better. If I was able to, I would say it. Hugs, Lilian
ReplyDeleteI always love to see your dip dye BdG feature in a post so the recent double up with the ski trip and this capsule has been a bonus!! I read Chiarina's post and dreaming about how I could get to H Bond St and add to my collection.....
ReplyDeleteDear MaiTai, each new post cheers me up and brings a smile to my face.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait for the instructions on this new knot. A very elegant and feminine twist of the criss cross knot.
Thank you for posting and sharing your innate sense of elegance with us.
My dear... I think that the match witch brown sweater is better, if of course I could say so;) It's so elegant and sublime, in my opinion. I love the knot! It's really original and looks so great. You're made for wearing those colors;) I wish there'll be much more women, so elegant, just like You;) best wishes!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the lovely comments, dear CS, Chiarina, Sydney Shop Girl, Marla Hope Bane, Lilian, msT, Booksnchocolate and KaRolka <3
ReplyDeleteCS, congrats on both silks! So happy you like the criss-cross knot :) The reference number of my Pani’s CW is 05. Good luck!
Well done to sticking to rule #1, and congrats on scoring 'the one', dear Chiarina!
It is wonderful to hear you are happy with the scarf rings, dear SydneyShopGirl, and good luck for Honolulu!
Marla Hope Bane, The Picotin is etoupe :)
My dear Lilian, many thanks for the truly special compliment, which you expressed so beautifully. So glad you found some ‘time off’ while browsing here, there have been so much sadness and suffering in the world recently. The sweater is a miracle, if one only would now beforehand which items hold well and which don’t (whatever the price!)
msT, we need an H fairy to come to the rescue. Paging hair-mess, to send us her sweet pixie again!
So pleased you like the new knot, and so nice to know how much you enjoy it here, my dear booksnchocolate, many thanks <3
I love to hear everyones opinions and thoughts, dear KaRolka, many thanks for sharing yours! Thank you also for your lovely kind words :)
Looks like a 1/2 bow. Looking forward to your instructions! Lillian is so right, it is nice to come to your blog for a moment of pure calm and fun. I was even able to have ski holiday by way of your pix. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteP.S. Been there and done that with the camera. Too many settings to confuse a person!
Thank you for this truly amazing variation post, and most happiest waves back to you, my dearest MaiTai! You've changed only one article in the second outfit, yet made such a dramatic difference in mood - love both versions, so warm and refined. And the BdG is just divine with your fabulous leather jacket. I am totally swooning over your new criss-cross bow knot - another genius creation, my dear - can't wait to try it <3 Also a very warm welcome to the lovely Ms. maroon glacé, she is such a gentle, yet sophisticated, elegant beauty. Thank you for taking us away to such a beautiful world with your special twist of the magical kaleidoscope. Wishing you a most sunny and wonderful weekend, sending you all my love and the warmest happiest hugs always xx
ReplyDeleteP.S. No photo can ever be 'mauvais' when you're in it, and there is never ever any need to worry about any sort of catching up, dear MaiTai <3
My dear MaiTai
ReplyDeleteI love the three looks, and the knot and your beautiful smile!
Your bracelet is very elegant and matches the three outfits so well!
I wish you a wonderful and sunny weekend. Love and the warmest hugs,
Thank you dear MT for this beautiful,versatile posts withe B de G dip-dye. As you know, this is one of my most treasured of silks<3 Now you have given me a wealth of ideas with the outfits and knots! The last look with the brown jacket especially catches my eye!!
ReplyDeleteAlso, your H bracelet is so perfect. This is an elusive color once seen,but alas, never to be seen again on this side of the Atlantic!!! This cw brings a beautiful softness to the looks. Bravo on the find!
Wishing you a bright sunshine filled weekend ahead! Perhaps you will take us all to the market with you???
Love and hugs, T xx
Thanks, MaiTai for the colorway number. Maybe Rule # 7 for choosing a scarf should be "Leave DH at home"? Thankfully, the tags are still on LePegase. Hugs CS
ReplyDeleteIt seems many of you have chocolate leather is high time I get one for me. Btw, dear CS, it might be unheard of, but is true - my husband is actually the best enabler for purchasing the Hermes scarves, I would not have third of my scarves if he had not been in Hermes with me - therefore I think the rule #8 shall be introduced: "If the husband supports your purchases, don't forget to take him to the shopping". Lilian
ReplyDeleteDear MT,
ReplyDeleteMaybe we need to take a survey...leave DH at home or not?? LOL!!
Lillian, your are lucky to have DH as an enabler.I,on the other hand would have to agree with CS and leave my DH at home! Not a shopper is he,but very dear in other ways!
Peace and love, T xx
Dear Trudye - I did not explain the situation properly. Namely, my husband is an anti-shopping person, therefore he pushes me (when in Hermes with me) to finish the purchase asap, so that he can leave the place and go for lunch or whatever else! :-) I have tried not to take advantage of it ...
ReplyDeleteI couldn´t help laughing with Lilian´s comment and fully agree with Trudye and CS: apart from some exceptions, DH would better enjoy a cup of coffee somewhere, while the ladies pay a visit to Hermès and try many scarves without stressing. Hugs, M.
ReplyDeleteOh, my! Dear Lilian and Trudye, you ladies certainly have me laughing. I wholeheartedly agree with Rule # 8, Lilian. I must clarify: DH is a very good shopper, and very patient. He has spent (at one time) two hours in H with me without complaint (He had his iPhone to occupy his time). He's a definite enabler, and often says' "buy both", etc. But then, perhaps he's the same as your DH, dear Lilian - he's wanting to go for lunch! ;-) I only think about leaving him at home, Trudye, when he pushes me beyond my comfort zone, like with the violet LePegase. It meets several of the MT Rules, but the violet is VIVID! (I have trouble with Rule 5 - be flexible!) So, the question I am asking myself is, do I keep it because DH loves it and I should just be bold (read: flexible), or return it? I'm leaning towards keeping it. Sigh....the "sacrifices" one must make to keep DH happy. ;-)
ReplyDeleteI'm interested, dear MaiTai, Lilian, Trudye, and if anyone else would like to join in, have you kept a scarf that DH loved, but you were a little unsure of?
Warm orange hugs, CS
Dear CS, I will try to respond how it works in my case. Generally, I think that men often see something that ladies do not see at that moment and have less complex way of thinking. Let's say, my DH can immediately see the whole picture, KWIM? He sees my appearance and says directly - fantastic. Or - good, although not fascinating. Or - if you just want it veeery much, buy it, although... It are the levels and in my case it worked perfectly! I must (shame on me) say that the only mistakes I did were - when he was NOT in H with me. Then I was analyzing too much, detail by detail, spending time but did not see the overall picture like him and ended up with the scarves which did not fit me at all (they all went back to H). In the case like yours (when DH strongly suggested to buy some scarf) - later on, with time, I fell in love with those scarves so much and concluded they really fitted me best. Actually, I specified the learning procedure which was described by our dear MaiTai and it seems, in my case, it was geared by - my husband. Which I was not aware at all until writing this.
ReplyDeleteI asked him today why he says his opinion so clearly and in seconds, whether I am right that he hates shopping. He told me: "I don't like shopping, but like shopping and time in Hermes for nice things surrounding me. However, I dislike watching you how much you suffer selecting the scarves - it is not needed. I am not pushing you, but would like you to have the things fitting you best and the lunch afterwards is a part of the ritual, not my escape from Hermes. If you want, we can spend hours in Hermes, but why so much suffering I feel you deal with, for one scarf?"
However, I think this coin might have another, quite dangerous side - men can love some pattern, colour, regardless whether they fit you or not. In that case, I think it is essential to ask DH the question - WHY he likes that scarf so much. The answer can show the direction to go. If he likes it for the fact the colour itself is nice (and he would like to see it on the e.g. his car) - I would not buy it. If he likes it because it fits you nicely and he likes your overall appearance with that scarf for some specific reason - I would keep it.
In the whole picture, a very important thing is that "our" DHs we are taking to Hermes must be tolerant towards H pricing - I have no problem with it, as I am not a wild shopper buying tons of stuff, my DH knows that H purchases are one of the rare true shopping enjoyments for me. However, my friend's husband needed a respirator when he saw Hermes prices in the shop window, LOL, and my friend must hide each price tag from him!
As a conclusion, I would check the DH's overall sense for colours (I think colours are most important, whether they flatter you and your complexion or not, it is easier to survive the pattern) and his reasons for suggesting the certain purchase.
Once when DH has earned a certificate (lol), you can take him to H as he might give you a very helfpul advice and see something hidden to your eyes at that moment. At least, it worked for me. Hope I helped.
Hm, should we make a handbook how to certify the husbands in terms of H purchases? LOL.
Dear MaiTai, sorry for this long post - if too long, please do not publish or shorten it as per your wish. I did not want to misuse the space, just wanted to help, as I how painful "suffer in Hermes" can be.
With love, Lilian
Such fun at Ma Tai's place with this light and lively banter!
ReplyDeleteThank you dear MT for having us all in for a chat ;)
Like I said, DH is not a shopper,even for himself. His wardrobe decisions are deferred to me. Menswear is so much easier to put together. I also started a dialogue with DH about this! So dear he is ! He quite easily replied that if I am wearing it,he likes, because he truly loves and trusts my taste,since I am the one doing the choosing <3
Can't help lovin' that man of mine !
I am posting this with a big grin and a wink to all.
T xx
Well observed, my dear gracekelly, half bow instructions to come soon. Wish my old camera did not pack up, it always took good pictures and there was no fuss!
ReplyDeleteSo glad you enjoyed the variations, my dear Scarf Enthusiast, it gives me such joie de vivre to share this passion with you <3 Many thanks also for the warm welcome for Ms marron glacé, she will be such a wonderful staple for always. Hope you had a happy and sunny weekend too <3
Many thanks, my dear Manuela, and Ms M G says merci too! Have a lovely Sunday evening x
I thought you might enjoy the BdG post, my dear Trudye, and especially of course the last pic! The MG would be perfect for you, and has been elusive over here for some time too, but seems to be around again. Hop on a plane quick, and we’ll go hunting together!
Dearest CS, Lilian, Manuela and Trudye, how I loved reading your conversations and observations, you had me laughing out loud several times! It is wonderful to have discussions here, so thank you very much for sharing. It is also wonderful to hear that your DHs are so sweet, loving supportive and understanding, whether inside the boutique or not, so here’s to them!
CS, the answer to your question is no, as rule #6 applies (never buy anything that does not feel 100% right). A scarf which might end up staying in it’s box is not likely to make anyone happy in the long run. You could check your closet for outfits which make you really want to keep the Pegase, and work out a look you would want to wear tomorrow, or right away! If nothing comes forward, it might be worth thinking to exchange it for something you will love AND wear. Good luck, my dear!
Oh my goodness, Lilian! Thank you for all of your kind and very helpful suggestions. I can tell that you put a lot of time and thought into my decision, which I greatly appreciate. Hugs. I DO analyze things too much at times. DH, his responses mirror your DHs - fantastic, it's good, or sometimes a cringe and shaking his head "no". He also, like your DH, has the "well, if you realllllly like it". My purchase mistake, years ago, was one where DHs response was "if you really like it". Unfortunately, unlike you, I did not return it. What a coincidence that some of my favorites are the ones that my DH selected, just as yours did too!
ReplyDeleteDH likes LePegase in violet because he says it (namely, the color) looks great on me.
Like you, Lilian, I am not a wild shopper. I have my basics, capsule pieces, and my scarves are my splurges. The scarves are what really stretches my wardrobe.
I had to laugh about the H shopping certificate for husbands. DH deserves the H shopping certificate because he knows the MaiTai Rules! He knows the MT Rules! I didn't think he was listening as I read them to him, but he was! He actually knows the MT Rules! Shock! When I tried on Pegase, he said that it brightened my face (check), "goes with a lot in your closet - charcoal, navy, blues, white, but not chocolate", but he thought it okay. And then asked if I liked it ("makes your heart sing"). When I questioned him and said that I still wasn't sure since I didn't have anything that brightly colored, he said that I (me!!) was the one NOT following MT Rules. I wasn't being flexible, he said. Hmmm....he had me on that one!
Thank you, too dear Mai Tai for reminding me of the 100% rule. The scarf does "make my heart sing" in that I do like the color, and the pattern, although I do wonder if the pounding in my heart is singing or anxiety. The color is very vivid. It scares me a little. I will take your advice and try LePegase on with capsule pieces and see how many outfits I can pull together.
I sincerely thank everyone for their comments and advice. Warm orange hugs to all.
Dear CS, I see we both have scarf-expert-husbands! Lol! Isn't it unusual? I have always believed that my husband was actually in a hurry and wanted to run out! I know violet LePegase colour - my skin tone simply "fights" with that colour and it would not fit me. However, I remember many years ago how conservative I was towards orange colour, as I thought it was too vivid and too aggresive! It also scared me. Then, step by step, I discovered that orange fits me best of all colours and that actually makes me happy. Since then, I have bought many orange items and whenever I need energy to start my day, something to cheer me up, I go for something orange. This is the story about breaking the barriers I built in the past and I actually needed time to step over the imagined barrier in my mind. It seems we are twins in characters - not very much willing to experiment, isn't it? We have our secure coasts and anchors. Personally - I would do as already wrote: check whether DH is right (whether the colour fits your complexion and makes you looks brighter and nicer) and then follow with combining it with capsule pieces. And - my heart does not sing immediately, the song often starts with delay, when already far away from H shop! All compliments to your DH, his capabilities are gorgeous! Please, do let us know what you decided, I loved our correspondence so much for the feeling I am writing to my twin (and to all nice ladies - MT's followers)! I know I will also learn something from your decision. Hugs, Lilian
ReplyDeleteDear Lilian, You are so kind and thoughtful to help me along with this (as you DH would say) suffering. It really should not be that way!
ReplyDeleteI remember you wrote that you had a bad experience with a cool color scarf and were very upset. With that knowledge, I would think that orange would be your color. You probably look quite stunning in it!
I agree, our DHs are scarf experts. Mine, in thanks to our dear MaiTai and her rules!
You nailed it, dear Lilian. I am usually rather conservative in my scarf selection.
However, when I purchased LePegase, I also purchased Fleurs d'Indiennes in cw03! It was a bit too bold for me, so I went with the plisse. It stayed in the box for about a week (with tags) until DH and I went out several nights ago. I wore it again today, and this bold beauty was the right decision! While out running errands today, I had three compliments on my FdI plisse! One was that it looked good on me; the second woman asked me about my skin care regime, saying that I was "glowing"; the third was my neighbor. She asked if DH and I just returned from a warm, tropical holiday. Since this does NOT happen to me often, okay...never happened before, I know that it's the colors of the plisse, which also has violet as one of it's colors. And of course, LePegase is violet. The tags are coming off! It's mine. DH was right.
On it's first outing, if I am told that I look ten years younger, I'll stockpile large quantities of LePegase to last me for the Rest of My Life! I might have to do that anyway with Ms. FdI!
I, too, Lilian have enjoyed our correspondence. It was like writing to a dear, dear friend, or twin since you instinctively knew what I was thinking! Your very kind words truly warmed my heart.
And a very warm thank you to you, to, dear Mai Tai. Your kindness, support, and valuable advice were very much appreciated.
Warm, warm, warm orange hugs!
P.S. A rich, buttery soft chocolate leather jacket like MaiTai's is on my wish list too, Lilian! :-)
Dear CS, I am so happy for you! I felt all the time (oh, I don't know why, but I did!) that you were going the way I went a while ago! And I am more than glad I was able to participate your beautiful moments when you stepped over the border and selected the item and colour which complimented you and made you happy! It seems so simple, but it is so tough, and so important and so huge a moment! I believe that all style is about it - how to find that tiny area of pure beauty, undiscovered by then, which will bring us to something we actually are, but have not been able to reach before. Hermes scarves are magic - they can transform the look, make the queen out of you, make the day nicer.
ReplyDeleteYes, you are right - orange, salmon and red colours are mine, even green (as I have green eyes) and now I have enough courage to enter more "risky" combinations than a while ago - how simple, but it took time and so many ups and downs!
Dear MaiTai, thank you for your stylish blog which enabled these beautiful moments - you are so sweet and so endlessly generous to participate our exchange of ideas and give us the direction to go. Without you, my scarves would go out of the drawer once in a week, while now I use them daily!
Our dear ladies here - thank you too, we all were in this nice exchange of ideas and thoughts, as always.
Dear CS, I am so happy I started our correspondence on Sunday, spending a lot of time, as I know how happy you are now.
And we should finally thank to - our husbands, shouldn't we? Sometimes they have the eyes seeing a lot more than we expect :-)
Warmest scarfie hugs, Lilian
Dear MaiTai, Lilian, Trudye, and Manuela,
ReplyDeleteFirst, I should say that I should never send a reply at 1 a.m. in my time zone, as I forget half of the things that I intended to write.
Dear MaiTai, I forgot to thank you (shame on me!) for your suggestion of going through my closet and putting together outfits. After following your wise advice, I came up with at least eight or nine combinations. Your help made my decision so much easier when I could see how LePegase would work with several items. It is surprisingly rather versatile.
And dear Lilian, you knew that I would keep Le Pegase? lol. You were right about many other things too. I don't know why over the last several years that I became so conservative, but I am very happy to bring back bold vivid colors! Thank you again for your advice and insight.
And to dear Trudye and Manuela, I have very much enjoyed your witty humor and comments. Thank you.
DH will accompany me on my next visit to H. Like your dear DH, Lilian, mine sees the whole picture much quicker and easier than I do. Clink champagne flutes to having supportive H loving husbands!
And clink champagne flutes to all of you wonderful ladies. Clink, clink. Hugs, hugs, CS
My dear Lilian and CS, can't tell you how much I enjoyed your lively chat and musings, many thanks for sharing so openly your thoughts! We definitely need to get the champagne out, mainly to celebrate your friendship, my dear ladies. Also toasting CS for keeping the Pegase, I am so happy and pleased for you, congratulations! An extra glass for your sweet and supportive husbands (Mr CS of course gets two, for remembering the MT rules) and we better get a few more cases so there is enough for everyone who wants to join the party! Hugs to you both xx